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6 Ways To Build Biceps At Home Fast Without Weights

Are you a fitness enthusiast? Let’s face it, everybody who is into fitness wants well-sculptured muscles. Biceps are among the most common parts that people want to show off. Well-toned arm muscles are a sign of strength and fitness. As a result, many people are working towards making them as tight and visible as possible.

Unlike calves, the arms are not genetic. You need to spend a reasonable amount of time working on making them tighter. Gym-owners know that working the biceps is the primary goal of most people who are into fitness. As a result, they have made sure that equipment like dumbbells is in plenty. However, what happens when you cannot make it to the gym, or you just want to work out in your small apartment? There are ways to get around that. One of the best ways to work up your biceps is by taking advantage of your body weight.

You can easily tone your muscles without weights. Fortunately for you, this article contains a list of bodyweight exercises for biceps, which you can easily carry out at the comfort of your home without weights. They will actively involve making use of your body weight. These exercises will improve not only your muscles but also the rest of your body as well.

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Anatomy of Bicep Muscles

Before you dive into the different exercises, you need to understand the bicep muscles in general and how they work. I believe this is an essential aspect because it will help you know how to work up the biceps successfully.

The biceps are made of two muscle heads (biceps branchii) that lie between the shoulder and the elbow. It is worth mentioning that the biceps only make up a third of the upper-arm muscles. There is also the triceps which are larger and occupy the rest of the two-thirds.

The biceps branchii meet up with a common elbow tendon. At the joint, there is also the elbow flexion that allows you to flex and show off your muscles. The movement of the elbow flexion is assisted by the brachialis, which is located underneath the muscles. All these parts of the biceps muscles have an essential role to play during movement.

Your bicep muscles become fully activated when you are flexing the arm. As a result, you need to engage the muscles if you want them fully sculptured. I can tell you for free that weights alone will not cut it. As a result, try using your body weight to exercise your biceps, and the outcome will surprise you.

How to Build Biceps at Home

1. Inverted Rows

You can easily do an inverted row in the comfort of your home. It is an easier alternative for pull-ups if you are just getting started with working your biceps. I like this work out because it is not easy to screw it up. Also, as you progress with it, there are minimal chances of injury. If you want this work out to work your muscles well, try not to let your butt sag and always keep your core tight. You should also go all the way up and down to work the biceps completely.

Target Muscles: The inverted row workout works most of the pull muscles in the body. Some of which include the biceps, traps, and, the middle back. It is also a good workout for the core.

Here is how you do a perfect inverted row;

  • Lie on the floor below a table or rack that is high enough for your hands to reach.
  • Firmly hold the edge of a table with your hands facing away from you.
  • Keep your core tight and make sure your body is straight as possible.
  • Try to pull yourself up with your arms adjacent to the table or bar.
  • Lower your body down.
  • Pull yourself up again.
  • For best results, try doing this at least 15 times.

2. Close grip Pull-ups

Blast up your bicep muscles by doing the close-grip pull-ups. The workout challenges you to lift your bodyweight. If you want to make the best out of this workout, make sure the elbows and shoulders are in a mechanically advantageous position. Ensure you feel comfortable so you can make as many repetitions as possible. The workout is mainly used by many people in sports like those in softball, handball, and even sprinters.

Lifting your body weight can be a challenge if you are heavy, but with enough practice, you can easily complete this workout.

Target Muscles: The target muscles for this workout are the biceps, chest, shoulders, traps, and the Latissimus dorsi, which is the largest muscle in the back.

To perform a close grip pull-up, follow the following steps;

  • Step on a chair or something that allows you to reach the pull-up bar.
  • Grasp the bar with a shoulder-width or slightly narrower
  • .Ensure your palms face away from your face.
  • Start your workout from a dead hang position.
  • Pull yourself up until your shoulders are parallel to the bar, but strive to go as high as possible.
  • Slowly lower yourself to the original position.
  • Make repetitions as many times as you can.

3. Towel biceps curls- Standing

Another interesting way of working your biceps is the towel biceps curls workout. It is a pretty simple workout to do at home. All you need is a towel. For best results, make sure you keep your back straight.

Target Muscles: The workout is good for your biceps and upper back muscles. You also work the core, quads, and hamstring when doing this exercise.

Here is how you do a towel bicep curl while standing

  • Stand straight with your back on the wall.
  • Keep your core tight with the entire spine touching the wall.
  • Grasp both ends of a towel in both hands with your thumbs facing you.
  • Put one foot in the curved section of the towel
    Keep your shoulders low and back.
  • Pull the towel upwards against the weight of your leg and pull as hard as you can to provide enough resistance.
  • Make sure you bend your arms to 90 degrees
  • Hold that position for as long as you can
  • Go back to the original position
  • Redo the process again with the other leg.

4. Towel biceps curls- Laying down

The towel bicep curls have different variations depending on how you like it. Apart from trying it against the wall, you can also try the work out while laying down. You can still perform this workout at the comfort of your home and blast your muscles just as much.

Target Muscles: When doing the towel biceps curls laying down, you mainly work the biceps and shoulders. You also work the quads, hamstrings, back muscles, and the core. Try not to overwork the muscles because they will end up cramping.

Performing this workout while laying down is more or less like doing it when standing but using the ground as the wall.

Here is how to do the work out perfectly;

  • Lay straight on your back.
  • Make sure your spine touches the ground, and your core is tight.
  • Tightly grasp the ends of the towel with your thumbs facing inwards.
  • Put one foot on the curved part making sure your thigh is adjacent to the floor.
  • Pull the towel toward you exerting pressure on the towel to add resistance
  • Hold the pillow in that position for as long as you can.
  • Redo the same process with the other foot.
  • Alternatively, you can use both feet at the same time without having to alternate. The main aim is to make sure that you exert enough pressure to work up your biceps.

5. Isometric Chin-ups

Isometric chin-ups are among the common bodyweight exercises for biceps. It is a challenging exercise, but you can get better when you do it more often.

Target Muscles: It is an amazing workout for your biceps, shoulders, chest, and core. You will also work your thighs, hamstrings, and quads to some extent.

Follow these steps when doing isometric chin-ups;

  • Hold a bar that is high enough for you to hand on.
  • Hang on the bar with your palms facing away from you.
  • Lift your body upwards and try to make sure your chin gets above the bar.
  • Lift your feet to assume a sitting position and make sure your elbows are at 90 degrees and hold this position.
  • Lower your body in slowly assuming the starting position.
  • Repeat the process making at least 15 seconds.

6. Chin Ups

The chin-up is another workout that is mainly confused for a pull-up. The main differences between these two exercises is that to do a chin-up, you need to make an underhand grip, while you have to make an overhand grip with your hands further apart for the pull-up. The work out is more or less like the Isometric chin-ups, but it does not involve holding in one position. It requires a constant up and down motion.

Target Muscles: When you do this workout, the muscles involved are the biceps, back muscles, the core, and shoulders as well.

Here is a guide on how to do amazing chin-ups;

  • Grab a bar with your hands closer than the width of your shoulders and make sure your palms face your body.
  • Lift your body until the chin is above the bar. You can bend your knees or cross your legs to distribute the weight of your body evenly.
  • Make sure your elbows are entirely bent to 90 degrees.
  • Lower your body downwards until your arms are straight.
  • Repeat the same process as many times as you can.

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