It’s important to be mindful of our neighbors. Noisy workouts can be a source of frustration and annoyance for others working, studying, or sleeping nearby.
To avoid disturbing your neighbors while exercising in your apartment, consider doing low-impact workouts like yoga, Pilates, or bodyweight exercises that don’t involve jumping. You can also minimize noise by using exercise equipment like resistance bands or rubber-coated dumbbells. It’s also important to exercise at reasonable hours and inform your neighbors in advance to prevent any inconvenience.
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Tips for Reducing Noise During Exercise
1. Use Noise Reducing Exercise Mat
A thick exercise mat is the most effective way to reduce noise when exercising in an apartment. These mats add a soft cushion between you and the ground, allowing for softer movements while absorbing some echoing noise. Exercise mats are generally made from PVC, while others may be made from naturally occurring fibers or recycled rubber.
Regardless of the source material, all exercise mats are comfortable and soft. They range in thickness and should be selected based on the noise potential for the exercise (i.e., thicker mats for louder exercises). For example, a higher jumps or twists workout routine may require a thicker mat than pushups. The thinner mats are about the thickness of a typical yoga mat, hovering around 1/8 of an inch thick.
Recommended noise-reducing exercise mat: IncStores – 1″ MMA Interlocking Foam Tiles (Amazon)
Exercise Mat Health Benefits: Beyond effective noise reduction, exercise mats have significant health benefits. They help to reduce stress on the back and other joints while helping to reduce the risk of injuries.
Another health benefit of these exercise mats is that they keep you off hard surfaces such as tile, hardwood, or carpet. This extra cushion is easier on your bones and muscles during exercise movements.
2. Go Barefoot Or Wear Non-Slip Workout Socks
In the gym, you’re bound by the rules and norms of the fitness center. While working out at home, however, you’re the boss. Going shoeless is another excellent way to help reduce noise while exercising at home. Most workout shoes squeak on solid surfaces and create more noise when moving around.
Going barefoot helps reduce this noise while giving your feet a nice break from those confining shoes. If barefoot isn’t your style, there are several non-slip workout sock options from which to choose. The best non-slip sock options will have some padding on the bottom. This may come in the form of a rough or patterned layer.
If you have an option between working out on the softer ground, such as carpet versus hardwood or tile floors, the softer option may be the easiest on the feet.
Recommended non-slip workout socks: Grip Tread Socks (Amazon)
3. Land Softly When Jumping (Use Proper Landing Techniques)
Reducing the noise may seem impossible for some exercises requiring some jumping or shuffling of the feet. After all, most of the noise neighbors hear comes from feet on the apartment floor. The best strategy for reducing this noise is by landing softly on the ground when jumping.
The key here is to reduce the speed of the movements and absorb the impact from the jump slowly instead of forcing it into the ground. Most of the noise from jumping comes from the echoing of the ground. Imagine jumping from a table onto the ground without bending your knees. First, the landing would hurt your knees because of the stress placed on them. Secondly, the noise would deafen as all the impact and energy are transferred to the floor.
Landing on the ground with conscious form not only helps reduce the noise produced but can also help fight against potential injuries caused by poor form.
How to jump and quietly land softly on your feet step by step:
- The toes of your feet should be the first to hit the ground, followed quickly by the balls of the feet.
- From here, the weight should be transferred naturally to the rest of the foot
- Knees should begin to bend when the balls of your feet make contact with the ground
- Continue to bring your hips and torso toward the ground for the energy to be absorbed
4. Try Low Impact Workouts (No Jumping)
Low-impact exercises are the best exercises you can do when you live in an apartment. If you’re looking for low-impact exercises that won’t make a lot of noise, there are plenty of options. Here are five great exercises that are perfect for quiet workouts:
Yoga is a gentle form of exercise that focuses on flexibility, strength, and relaxation. It’s a great way to improve your balance, reduce stress, and increase your fitness. Plus, you can do yoga virtually anywhere, making it a convenient choice for a quiet workout.
Pilates is another low-impact exercise emphasizing core strength, flexibility, and balance. It involves slow, controlled movements that are easy on the joints and muscles, making it an excellent option for those seeking a quiet workout.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art often practiced for health benefits. It involves slow, graceful movements that improve balance, flexibility, and strength. Plus, it’s a low-impact exercise that can be done almost anywhere.
Bodyweight Exercises
Bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, and lunges are a great way to build strength without making much noise. These exercises use your body weight as resistance, making them ideal for quiet workouts.
5. Use Resistance Bands Or Rubber-Coated Dumbbells
Resistance bands are an excellent option for those living in apartments. While weights are bulky and take up a lot of room, these bands can be stored easily and are significantly lighter. They’re also a great choice when wanting to save money. Weights tend to ‘clink’ when touching each other and make an even greater noise when hitting the ground.
Understanding how loud weights can be in a gym, imagine how loud it sounds to your neighbor at home. Resistance bands are noiseless if appropriately used. They are often used with slow and controlled exercises. Another great feature of exercise bands is their versatility.
These bands can work every major muscle group in the body: legs, back, arms, shoulders, and chest. Instead of focusing on weight, these bands work the muscles through resistance training. This is usually performed in a much more controlled manner.
Rubber-coated dumbbells are a popular choice for strength training workouts. They are made with a solid metal core and coated with a layer of rubber, providing a comfortable and secure grip. In addition, the rubber coating protects the dumbbell from damage if dropped and helps reduce noise, making them a good option for those who exercise in small spaces.
Rubber-coated dumbbells come in various weights, making them suitable for multiple exercises, from light toning to heavy lifting. They are versatile and can be used for multiple exercises, including chest presses, bicep curls, and shoulder presses.
Whether used at home or in a gym, rubber-coated dumbbells are a durable and practical option for anyone looking to incorporate strength training into their fitness routine.
Recommended resistance bands from Whatafit Resistance Bands Set (Amazon)
6. Schedule Your Workouts When Neighbors Aren’t Home
Another effective method for exercising at home without disturbing the neighbors is to work around their schedules. More specifically, timing workouts when your neighbors aren’t home is one of the best ways to ensure they don’t get disturbed.
No matter how loud an exercise may be, no neighbor can be bothered if they’re not around. Neighbors who have lived close for a while begin to learn each other’s schedules. Timing a workout during a workday or a grocery store trip is an excellent opportunity to work out peacefully.
7. Communicate With Your Neighbors
The last but certainly not least effective strategy is communication with your neighbors. Working out loudly without caring about the neighbors is not the best method to practice. This has the potential to tarnish the relationship between you and your neighbor. Depending on the living situation, this can result in noise complaints and other minor problems.
Open and honest communication is a healthy and effective strategy in this scenario. You can talk to your neighbor about the new fitness regimen and ask if a bit of noise is too bothersome.
There’s a good possibility that your neighbor will be very understanding and have no problem with a bit of extra noise. The difference is that the neighbor is aware of the cause of the noise and has been asked for permission.
You can talk to them about the dilemma if their schedule is sporadic or unknown. Most friendly neighbors should happily tell you the best times to work out without disturbing them. After all, neighbors will most likely be willing to help if it means less of a nuisance.
SEE ALSO: 7 Quiet No Jumping Cardio Workouts (Low-Impact)
The Takeaway
Working out at home has some enticing benefits. A home gym has no monthly fee; it is always open, no competition for equipment, and no travel time to and from. However, this method of exercise isn’t without its downsides. Living near other people means you must be conscientious about the level of noise made during the workout. There’s nothing more frustrating than having a noisy neighbor. This situation becomes trickier when that noisy neighbor is you.
On the bright side, exercising at home is not impossible. Many people have opted for this form of exercise. Ensuring your neighbors are not disturbed may take a little creativity and due diligence. Fortunately, these seven strategies are a great place to get started.
SEE ALSO: 14 Best Compact Exercise Equipment for Apartments and Small Spaces
Topic: Apartment Workout