Gym memberships provide several benefits including the use of workout equipment and free weights. However, you still can get a solid workout in without one. A dorm room or hotel room can be used as a workout area if you are on vacation or away at college. These simple bedroom exercises can be performed practically anywhere, even when on-the-go.
You can do bedroom exercises to lose belly fat with just 30 minutes per day, five times per week. Wherever you are, you can improve mental health, reduce the risk of heart disease, and lose weight without leaving your bedroom. Don’t let small spaces derail your workout routine.
Let’s get started with exercises you can do in your room to lose belly fat!
SEE ALSO: 10 Fat Burning Hotel Room Exercises For Beginners (No Equipment)
Here Are 9 Simple Exercises to Lose Weight In A Small Room?
Here is a list of workouts to do in your room. These exercises are effective and require no equipment:
- Push-ups
- Walkouts
- Up-Down Plank
- High Knees
- Jumping Jacks
- Wall Sit
- Mountain Climbers
- Bicycle Crunches
- Burpees
1. Push-ups
Push-ups are the most widely known and oldest exercises in the book. Almost everyone has tried to a push-up at least once in their life. There are misconceptions about the push-up due to its simplicity. However, it has proven to be one of the best upper-body exercises out there. Push-ups can be performed practically anywhere and require no equipment.
It is an effective exercise that strengthens your muscles, bones, and improves muscular endurance.
Target Muscles: Using your own body as resistance, push-ups work your chest muscles, pectorals, core, shoulders, deltoids, triceps, back of the arms, and the serratus anterior. Push-ups can be challenging to attempt at first, and many variations target each muscle differently.
To perform a standard push-up:
- Start on your hands and toes in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and abs tucked in.
- Lower yourself slowly until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle. If you are a beginner, you can begin with your knees touching the ground. For the more advanced, lower yourself until your chest almost hits the floor.
- Keep your elbows close to your body at all times.
- After lowering yourself, explode back up until your arms are straight and elbows are locked.
- Perform three sets of 10-12 reps.
2. Walkouts
The walkout exercise is meant to improve your core strength and flexibility.
Target Muscles: It is a variation of the plank that challenges your upper body, glutes, and lower back. It’s a workout similar to the abs rollout, where you roll on the floor slowly using an ab wheel.
To perform the hand walkout:
- Start from a standing position placing your hands on the ground in front of your toes.
- Slowly walk your hands forward until you assume a plank position. Walk them back until you reach your starting position.
- Continue this process for three sets of 10-12 reps.
Beginners can start by walking forward and back while resting on their knees. Refrain from sagging your hips low, and keep your elbows straight during the walkout without letting them bend.
3. Up-Down Plank
The up-down plank is an excellent exercise that works your arms and core. The purpose is to maintain a plank position for the duration of the workout.
Target Muscles: When done correctly, up-down planks will engage your abs, strengthen your back muscles, and build upper body strength.
To perform the up-down plank:
- Begin on your elbows and toes, or your knees if you are a beginner. Keep your stomach tight and hips still.
- Push yourself up with one hand at a time until you are propped up in a plank position.
- Lower yourself back down one arm at a time.
- Perform the up-down plank for three sets of 10-15 reps.
4. High Knees
This simple exercise is a high-intensity cardiovascular workout that can be done in the smallest of bedrooms. Doing high knees will strengthen your legs, and engage your core while increasing blood flow.
Target Muscles: It will improve your coordination, strengthen the hip flexors and create an intense burn. High knees can take the place of a brisk walk or run on the treadmill if you are limited to working indoors.
To perform the high knees exercise:
- Begin standing up with your legs hip-distance apart.
- Lift your knees up one at a time, running in place.
If you have a stopwatch on your smartphone, aim for 30 seconds of high knees followed by 30 seconds of rest in between. Try to do the intervals for at least 10-15 minutes. You can do high knees as a warm-up before your workout or immediately after.
5. Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks are a traditional exercise that you may have learned in elementary school. A simple jumping jack can be used as a warm-up to get your muscles ready for a workout. You can also incorporate it into interval training, HIIT-style workout, or a boot camp program. Jumping jacks require you use full-body movement to raise your heart rate. Those who are advanced can add squats at the end of the jump.
To perform the jumping jacks:
- Stand up with hands at your sides and needs slightly bent.
- Jump lifting your legs out to the sides and arms over your head.
- Repeat, aiming for 10 minutes per day.
SEE ALSO: 11 Best Fat Burning Cardio Workouts for Small Spaces (No Equipment)
6. Wall Sit
The wall sit can get intense when done for long periods of time. Many people practice the wall sit immediately after their leg training routine. Sitting for long periods of time can build muscle endurance and burn more calories. Variations include sitting with one leg outstretched, holding dumbbells, weighted balls, or weight plates.
Target Muscles: This exercise builds stamina and strengthens the quadriceps muscles, calves, hips, and lower abs.
To perform wall sit:
- Stand up straight with your back against a wall.
- Slowly squat down keeping your legs bent at a right angle.
- Hold the position for as long as you can using a stopwatch. Try to beat your time each day you perform the exercise.
7. Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers can raise your heart rate while using every muscle group.
Target Muscles: the triceps, biceps, deltoids, obliques, quads, chest, hips, and hamstrings. This full-body exercise is also considered a cardiovascular workout using your body weight.
To do mountain climbers:
- Begin in a plank position and pull your knees up one by one quickly to your chest.
- Continue switching knees as if you are running while keeping your core stable.
- Do three sets of 20 reps.
8. Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches target the upper abs and obliques in one easy exercise.
Target Muscles: This type of abdominal training is known for its effectiveness in building stomach muscle. It is crucial that you focus on your breathing and form when performing a bicycle crunch.
To perform bicycle crunches:
- Lie flat on your back with your hands behind your head.
- Bring your knees up towards your chest, lifting your shoulder blades off the ground.
- Lift the right leg straight out above the ground while turning the body to the left side.
- Bring your right elbow to the left knee and then switch sides.
- Do three sets of 20 reps.
9. Burpees
Burpees can be difficult and challenging. However, it is one of the most effective bodyweight exercises. They speed up your metabolism and turn you into a fat-burning machine even hours after your workout.
To perform a typical burpee:
- Stand with your feet apart.
- lower your body into a squat position and place your hands on the floor in front of you.
- Jump back landing in a plank position.
- Jump your feet back towards the back of your hands.
- Raise your arms above your head and jump up into the air.
- Land back down and repeat.
Simple Workout Equipment
Fitness mat
Most bedroom workout routines rely on body weight, and so dumbbells and barbells might not be ideal, especially if you are keen on quiet workouts on a budget. Be that as it may, you will need a workout mat to cushion your body when doing pushups, Pilates, and other routines in your room. The best fitness mat should provide traction and stability and adequate shock absorption.
Why you need a fitness mat
- The cushioning will protect your knees, elbows, and joints during a workout
- They help with balance and posture
- They are good for floor grip and traction during your routines
- They keep your carpets clean
Exercise Ball
These are also known as fit balls, Swiss balls, or physioballs. They are large and sturdy balls that add challenge and thrill to a regular apartment workout. Fitness balls are ideal for improving core stamina and stability.
You can similarly use a fit ball as a chair. They say that sitting for long is not good for your health, but sitting on a fit ball works out your core and straightens your posture. There is no better way to passively workout as you meet deadlines at your home office or as you watch television.
Benefits of exercise balls
- They stabilize posture
- They increase lower back mobility
- They improve core strength
- They enhance balance and stability.